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Why Spelling is Significant in PSLE English

English vocabulary concept. Black font and white boxes containing different English words

Has your child stepped into Primary 6? Congratulations are in order! Now is the time to step up the game and do whatever it takes to gain an impressive score in the PSLE exam. Everyone in Singapore knows the Primary School-Leaving Examination, the first big milestone in any Primary student's life.

The PSLE English Exam

PSLE English is one of the prime subjects students tackle in this exam. The syllabus is drafted by Singapore's Ministry of Education and is designed to help students learn and master the language in all its forms of communication. Given that English is the country's official language, PSLE English requires a strong foundation, without which it can be quite a difficult nut to crack. And that's not all. Since all other PSLE subjects are taught in English, mastering the language is mandatory if your child is to ace the exam with flying colours.

Spellings in PSLE English

This brings us to the main topic of discussion: The Spellings. Among many other aspects, PSLE English tests your child's spelling prowess. The paper has components such as Comprehension and Composition, which rely on how well your child can spell the words. As for Composition, your child may be armed with good ideas and descriptive writing talent. However, if the Composition is marred with spelling mistakes, they will lose valuable marks.

In this article, we shall explore some important tips to conquer spelling by introducing them to Word Association.

What is Word Association?

Word Association is a word-learning technique involving an exchange of words closely associated with each other. It is an effective way to influence the learning and remembering of words, especially their spellings. In this term, the word "Association" denotes the connection between words and how concepts manifest in different ways in the human mind.

How Does Word Association Help Improve Spelling Ability for PSLE English?

Word Association is generally played as a game where students are given a set of four words with one pair that mean the same or the stark opposite of the other. The student has to choose the option with the correct pair. To use Word Association to help your child, it should:

  • Be easy to conduct, find, and score.
  • Complement other methods to assess learner performance.
  • Suggest a connection between knowledge and language proficiency.

Word Association & Its Role in Spelling Improvement

In Singapore, many PSLE English teachers are resorting to word association to help students conquer spellings- especially those with double letters.

Here are some easy-to-remember examples of word association:

1. Appetite

What gives you a good appetite? Apple Pie and Pudding.

The Pie and Pudding in the above answer are the same letters in the word appetite. This is word association.

2. Addressee

Who is the addressee? The Dear Daughter, the Sweet Son, or the Efficient Employee?

3. Dessert

With her fingers on her chin, a primary school girl student thinks about PSLE english exam

How does dessert taste? Super Sweet.

Remember that the more logical and relevant your word association is, the better they can remember the repetitive use of alphabets in a word.

A successful learning experience depends on student engagement. When teaching spelling, you must mix up your methods to keep students engaged and attentive.
We give you some creative ways to make spelling learning fun for your child who is gearing up for PSLE English.

5 Creative Ways to Teach Spelling to Ace PSLE English Exam

In Singapore, training for PSLE English starts early. So, spelling training should also start early so your child will not face any difficulties in P5 and P6. You can use the following tips for young Primary students.

1. Play word bingo

Who doesn't love Bingo? Give this popular game a new twist by replacing the numbers with words. You can:

  • Provide each student with a spelling bingo card.
  • Create a list of words on the board.
  • Ask students to write a different word from the list in each square on the bingo card and remove the word from the list.
  • Call out a word from the list.
  • Ask students to raise their hand if they have the word and make them spell out the word on the board.
  • If they spell the word correctly, they can cross it out on the bingo card.
  • The first student to cross out five words is the winner.

2. Build a word train

Ask students to form a word train based on rules like:

Matching letters where the first letter of a word matches the last letter of the previous word.
Use follow-on words to form a coherent sentence.

3. Use jumbled letters

A set of jumbled alphabets can prove to be handy for many learning techniques. You can first spell out a word (based on the level of difficulty) and scramble the words into a pile. Next, you can ask the students to rearrange the word from the jumbled letters.

4. Use songs to teach spelling

Want your child to enjoy the spelling session? Incorporate some fun with songs and raps. Create your own catchy tunes or use popular tunes and replace the lyrics with your own. Your child can easily associate with the words used, and in no time, they will be humming the tune even outside class.

5. Create a spelling wall

Designate a special wall space for spelling and encourage students to write down new, difficult, or differently spelt words. You can also allow them to draw pictures to associate the words with the object, person, animal, etc.

To Conclude

There are many different methods to teach children to spell correctly. The earlier you correct them, the faster they rectify their mistakes and adapt to the right spelling.

The smartest way to help your child gear up for PSLE English is with StudySmart, our PSLE online learning app. Powered with Artificial Intelligence and backed by neuroscience, StudySmart is the preferred choice for thousands of Primary students in Singapore. Call us now for further details.

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